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Ways to Give

At Pennington Presbyterian Church we believe stewardship is primarily an act of praise and thanksgiving. While the breadth of our ministry is dependent on the generosity of our donors, our tithes and offerings are given in faithful response to the love and grace of God.

They are like trees planted by streams of water, which will yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves will never wither.

Psalm 1:3

During each worship service, we offer our response to the gifts that God has given us. Our offerings are used to support our mission and outreach, our worship life, our educational ministries and all programs of the church.

Give Online

Give now through the convenience of secure online giving is available through the Pennington Presbyterian website.

To give online:

  • Login or create a profile.
  • Select either Operating Fund or Memorial Fund for your contribution. You can add a comment in the notes box for a specific designation like Care Packages, One Great Hour of Sharing, Easter Flowers, etc.
  • Donate on a one-time or recurring basis at your discretion. Since online donations incur processing fees of 2%, please consider increasing your gift accordingly to help defray this direct expense.

Give by Cash or Check

  • Checks and cash may be placed in the offering plate as part of Worship during every service.
  • Scheduled e-checks may be sent to the church via a bank account